江戸前期における草場の実態と死牛馬の取得状況・取得方式 : 河内国石川郡新堂村枝郷皮多村の場合 (生瀬克己教授追悼号)
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The present article aims to elucidate the real conditions of kusaba (a territory in which one was allowed to acquire dead bodies of cattle and horses free of charge) in one of the kawata villages (buraku) called "Kawata Village, Edago, Shindo Village" which was located in the former Kawachi Country (part of the present Osaka Prefecture) and the accession of dead cattle and horses, through the analysis of the journal book on "cattle"as of January 1683 and "horses" as of December 1686.The "cattle journal" of January 1683 was a ledger on dead cattle for the three years from 25 April 1683 to 25 March 1686. It contains detailed information about the time and place (kusaba) of acquiring dead cattle, and about when and where (what village) the cattle died and who acquired the dead cattle at each "ba" (division of a kusaba).The "horse journal" of December 1686 was a ledger on dead horses for the period of ten years from 16 December 1686 to 1697. It also contains the same detailed information as the above-mentioned cattle journal.According to these historical materials, the kusaba of this kawata village covered the entire Nishigori and Ishikawa counties of Kawachi Country and some parts of Furuichi County and Tannan County of Kawachi. In the present Osaka prefecture, it is only Shima Village, Minami County of Izumi Country where details of kusaba such as boundaries and methods of getting dead bodies in ba are available. Some information is also available in the historical material on village boundary relations in regard to kusaba in Minami Oji Village of Izumi County of Izumi Country and Kawata of Hojo Village of Sasara County of Kawachi Country.The above "cattle journal" reveals that dead cattle during the three years from 25 April 1683 to 25 March 1686 amounted to 241, an annual average of about 80. The "horse journal" reveals that dead horses during the ten years from 16 December 1686 to 12 February 1697 amounted to 153, an annual average of about 15. The number of dead cattle and horses in each ba is concentrated in Kishi-ba and Nagano-ba, which included more villages (34 for Kishi and 29 for Nagano) . Especially, the dead cattle were much more concentrated in Kishi-ba, leaving Nagano-ba far behind. This could be explained by geographical factors, i. e., the former had more plain fields and fewer hills. In the pre-modern period, cattle were exclusively used for cultivation of the land. As for dead horses, Nagano-ba is in first place, with "Kishi-ba" following. The above geographical factors could explain this outcome. Work on the hillsides required horses as helpers rather than cattle. This could also be explained by the fact that the Koya Road, where horses were the main means of transportation, ran through Nagano.Looking at the numbers of dead cattle by 10 owners of kusaba stocks, Niemon obtained 90, overwhelmingly exceeding others. He was followed by Chubei, who gained 48 dead cattle. During the period from 1683 to1697, owners of kusaba presumably numbered around 70 or 80, indicating that they were just part of the kawata village population.Looking at the numbers of dead horses by 14 owners of kusaba stocks, Niemon obtained 60, again leaving the rest far behind. Here again, Chubei followed him with 48.In the Kansai area, the dead cattle and horses were to be obtained by the stock owners living in the place where the animals had died, and not in the place where their owners lived. The distribution system was very elaborate and sophisticated, in order to be fair and effective to achieve the agreed distribution ratios among stock owners. For example, it aimed at 1) alleviating dissatisfaction or sense of unfairness caused by such contingencies as whether dead cattle had burns, had died of disease or age, or had died in a place where disposal was not easy, etc ; and 2) avoiding concentration of the acquisition and disposal of dead cattle and horses in one household by chance, and adequately sharing the animals among many. (It was very difficult to dispose of many dead cattle or horses at one time by one household, even though it had several skilled workers.)
- 2008-07-07
- 江戸前期における草場の実態と死牛馬の取得状況・取得方式 : 河内国石川郡新堂村枝郷皮多村の場合 (生瀬克己教授追悼号)
- 江戸前期における草場の実態と死牛馬の取得状況・取得方式--河内国石川郡新堂村枝郷皮多村の場合
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- 江戸前期における草場の実態と死牛馬の取得状況・取得方式--河内国石川郡新堂村枝郷皮多村の場合
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