PJ-667 Anatomical Characters and Clinical Significance of Myocardial Bridge(CT / DSA(10)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2008-03-01
Nakamura Michitsugu
Saijyo Central Hospital
Takada Yasuharu
Saijyo Central Hospital
Takada Yasuharu
Department Of Cardiology Saijo Central Hospital
Matsumoto Yuuji
Department Of Cardiology Saijo Central Hospital
Nakamura Michitsugu
Department Of Cardiology Saijo Central Hospital
Mori Hideki
Department Of Cardiology Saijo Central Hospital
Satoh Sumiko
Department Of Cardiology Saijo Central Hospital
Matsumoto Yuuji
Saijyo Central Hospital
Mori Hideki
Saijyo Central Hospital
Satoh Sumiko
Saijyo Central Hospital
Dazai Yasunobu
Saijyo Central Hospital
Dazai Yasunobu
Department Of Cardiology Saijo Central Hospital
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