- 論文の詳細を見る
The relationship between diplomacy and intelligence has been examined from the following two aspects; Firstly, foreign information collection under the competitive bilateral relationship was examined. Historically, diplomats were in charge of that, while intelligence organizations started taking it over since 16^<th> century, allowing diplomats to be engaged in information collection for mutual benefits. Secondly, politicization of the intelligence was examined, referring to WMD in Iraq. The traditional separation between the policy makers and the intelligence analysts does not work anymore, since the former could not articulate their intelligence requirements after the end of the cold war. Dough MacEachin's proposal to let the latter explain to the former the evidence and logic of the intelligence seems to be the only solution to avert the politicization, while keeping the formerlatter close contact.
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 2008-06-12
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