C.P.児の内言語障害について(I) : 書字困難を主症候とする事例を中心として
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To understand the corobral palsied, we must appreciate the symbolic defects which are directly associated with the brain-damaged conditions as well as the motor dysfunctions of the cerebral palsied. And moreover, the author considers linguistic dysfunctions, intelligence, and personality, to comprehend the aphasic condition of the cerebral palsied. In the present studies the following two cases were conducted: one case was child (Y.M. 12:8) with mental retardation who was looked upon as symbolic defects in appearance and another case was a child (S.H. 15:2) who had chiefly the aphasic defects of writing disturbances, to understand the internal disabilities of the cerebral palsied. Suggesting directly from the above results, the author presented that slow learning was caused by mental retardation and emotional disturbance in case of the former and was occured chiefly by the aphasic disabilities in the expression of ideas through the use of written linguistic symbols in case of the latter. The speech disturbances of the cerebral palsied are manifested to some degree in internal symbol processes as well as in external symbol processes. Cerebral palsied children have aphasic defects as well as articulation disorders. Therefore, to understand their speech disturbances and slow learning, the aphasic dysfunctions in thinking, in speaking, in reading or in writing should be appreciated.
- 日本特殊教育学会の論文
- 1966-03-31
川村 秀忠
Department of Psychology and Education Program in Education, Meisei University
川村 秀忠
Department Of Psychology And Education Program In Education Meisei University
川村 秀忠
- 障害乳幼児を養育している保護者の状況理解 : 事例研究を通して
- コトバの意味習得の過程にみられるC.P児の概念発達について : C.P児の語い体系の発達(I)(肢体不自由、病虚弱部門,個人発表,日本特殊教育学会第五回大会発表抄録)
- C.P.児の内言語障害について(I) : 書字困難を主症候とする事例を中心として
- 6.器質的脳疾患性の肢体不自由児に対する作業的治療教育の効用について(II)(〔3〕肢体不自由児・虚弱・一般,日本特殊教育学会第2回大会部門別研究発表要旨)
- 1.精神作業検査によるC.P.児の性格特性に関する一考察(〔4〕肢体不自由・虚弱,日本特殊教育学会第1回大会部門別研究発表要旨)