神経変性疾患の治療展望とトレハロース(セミナー「様々なストレスへの交差的耐性の獲得-Cross Protection研究の現状と展望-」)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Polyglutamine diseases, such as Huntington disease (HD) and spinocerebellar ataxia 1 and 3, are autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorders. They are caused by CAG trinucleotide repeat expansions that are translated into abnormally long polyglutamine tracts. One of the pathological hallmarks in polyglutamine diseases is the formation of intranuclear inclusions of polyglutamine-containing proteins in the brain. We developed a novel in vitro model system for polyglutamine diseases using myoglobin as a host protein. We searched for small molecules that inhibit polyglutamine-mediated aggregation by in vitro screening with a mutant myoglobin containing a 35 polyglutamine repeat. The screening assay revealed that disaccharides have a potential to inhibit polyglutamine-induced protein aggregation and to increase survival in a cellular model of HD. Oral administration of trehalose, the most effective disaccharide in vitro, decreased polyglutamine aggregates in the cerebrum and liver, improved motor dysfunction and extended life span in a transgenic mouse model of HD. In vitro experiments suggest that the beneficial effects of trehalose result from its ability to bind and stabilize polyglutamine-containing proteins. The lack of toxicity and high solubility, coupled with its efficacy upon oral administration, make trehalose promising as a therapeutic drug or lead compound for the treatment of polyglutamine diseases.
- 低温生物工学会の論文
- 2006-08-21
- ポリグルタミン病の治療戦略 (あゆみ トリプレットリピート病UPDATE)
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- 錐体外路系疾患 : 疾患概念と病態生理5)ハンチントン病
- DRPLAの細胞生物学 (特集 Triplet repeat diseases)
- 5)Huntington病はポリグルタミン病か?
- タウ蛋白とアミロイドベ-タ蛋白 (第16回日本老年学会総会記録) -- (老年期の痴呆とその周辺(シンポジウム))
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- ポリグルタミン病の異常蛋白構造に基づく病態と治療へのアプローチ
- 神経変性疾患の治療展望とトレハロース(セミナー「様々なストレスへの交差的耐性の獲得-Cross Protection研究の現状と展望-」)
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- オーバービュー
- 3P059 家族性ALSに見られるSOD1蛋白質のアミロイド形成と翻訳後修飾過程による制御メカニズム(蛋白質(物性(安定性、折れ畳みなど)),口頭発表,第45回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 座長の言葉
- GeneChip analysis of mouse brain stimulatedby repetitive Transcranial MagneticStimulation (rTMS)
- オーバービュー
- 1YP1-08 ポリグルタミン病の新たな分子病理メカニズム : タンパク質線維の構造伝播による発症制御の可能性(1YP1 日本生物物理学会若手奨励賞選考会,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)