- 論文の詳細を見る
Color feature analysis by using RGB color space was applied to the characterization of color textures of 15 kinds of fabrics including color and form information. The average (AVE), variance (VAR), angular second moment (ASM), contrast (CON), correlation (COR), entropy (ENT) and fractal dimension (D) statistically extracted from brightness distributions of RGB color images for fabrics, which were captured from a color scanner, were measured as visual feature parameters. The vivid-obscure, gaudy-plain, striking-subdued, dynamic-passive, distinct-vague, transparent-turbid, soft-hard, strong-weak, warm-cool, light-heavy and bright-dark feelings of color textures were evaluated using a sensory evaluation method by which either word was selected, and the relationship between their sensory evaluation values and the visual feature parameters was examined by factor analysis, which showed that dynamic feeling is related to VAR and COR, and light, strong, soft and bright feelings to AVE.
- 2008-06-15
- P-17 多色色柄布の色彩感情と色彩情報量との関係(ポスター発表,第41回全国大会要旨集)
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- 画像解析による編目模様の視覚的特徴の評価
- フラクタル解析に基づく形状曲線の微視的特徴と巨視的特徴
- 画像解析による色柄布の暖寒感の定量的評価
- 杉田家所蔵着物類の織り柄模様にみられる1/fゆらぎの美しさ