郡司と天皇制 : 郡司読奏考
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The importance of the local administrative officials (gunji 郡司) in ancient Japan is undisputed; however, the research to date has yet to rigorously examine gunji either positively or institutionally. This article will approach the subject through an investigation of the procedure called gunjidokuso 郡司読奏, which was conducted upon the appointment of new gunji. Structurally speaking, the dokuso 読奏 procedure involved the examination of candidates in the presence of the emperor and also signified the transformation of local powerful figures into the role of appointed government officials. The procedure involved imperial appointment and the intervention of the Ministry of State (dajokan 太政官). As to the institutional origins of dokuso, the author focuses on the litigation system established during the reign of Emperor Kotoku (AD 645-54), called shoki-no-sei 鍾匱の制, for settling disputes before the emperor. The author argues that this system was similar to dokuso and that the time of its establishment coincided with the time in which the sub-district administrative system (koori 評) was set up. The relationships between the emperor and local powerful figures prior to the Taika Reforms was mediated by a central aristocracy similar to the workings of the bemin 部民 patron-client system of social organization. The establishment of dokuso during Kotoku's reign brought about a transformation of such indirect affiliation into a system of direct control by the central state over local affairs, symbolized by the direct link between the emperor and gunji, thus showing the importance of the latter in ancient Japanese society. Dokuso lost this substantive meaning during the midtenth century and while continuing on in name only, was forced to give, way to a new set of basic principles for local governance.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2007-12-20
- 寺西貞弘著, 『古代熊野の史的研究』, 塙書房, 二〇〇四・七刊, A5, 二六四頁, 三八〇〇円
- 川尻秋生著, 『古代東国史の基礎的研究』, 塙書房, 二〇〇三・一刊, A5, 四三一頁, 一〇〇〇〇円
- 郡司と天皇制 : 郡司読奏考
- 佐藤宗諄先生退官記念論文集刊行会編, 『『親信卿記』の研究』, 思文閣出版, 二〇〇五・八刊, A5, 五九〇頁, 九八〇〇円
- 郡司読奏考(第一会場(古代), 日本史部会, 第一〇三回史学会大会報告)
- 朧谷壽・山中章編, 『平安京とその時代』, 思文閣出版, 二〇〇九・一二刊, A5, 四八八頁, 九〇〇〇円
- 大和を歩く会編, 『古代中世史の探求』(シリーズ歩く大和 I), 法藏館, 二〇〇七・一一刊, A5, 四二一頁, 三八〇〇円