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This paper proposes a mass identification method for buildings on Linear Programming, utilizing modal shapes evaluated through earthquake observation records/forced vibration tests. The method has two identification phases: the first phase is the evaluation of modal shapes at all floor levels in a building, and the second one is exactly the mass identification at the same floor levels. It requires either a base acceleration or an excitation force as an input signal and structural responses at all floor levels as output signals. The mass identification is formulated as an optimization problem with constraints. Mass values are constrained within feasible value ranges to acquire identification robustness. The method is applied to a numerical example in which a ten-story building performs nonlinearly, and it is also applied to shaking tests of a 0.3-scale six-story steel frame. The results prove that the newly proposed method can identify mass values at all floor levels approximately.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2008-05-30
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