EU農村地域振興の展開と「地域」 : ドイツのLEADERプログラムを中心に(大会報告・共通論題 : 地域再編過程における協同と公共性)
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This paper focuses on the LEADER program, one of EU rural development policy measure. LEADER differs from the other top-down rural development policies, mainly because it allows local people to participate in the program from the planning stage. After 15 years since the initiation of this program, we find not only policy evaluation, but also recognition of the LEADER method, particularly in the multiple roles of non-local individuals, and the meaning of "territorialization" of areas, as "neoendogenous rural development". The author analyses the actual condition of Local Action Groups (LAG), which implement the program, their activities and relationship with the public sector, for example the EU and state government, and then considered what "region" as defined by LEADER means, based on two case studies in Germany in 2004. Since 2007 the LEADER program has become one of four main axes of rural development. The LAG receives its budget from the public sector (EU, country, state), which at the same time intervene so that the LAG is required to define "regions" with populations of 10 to 100 thousand. The intervention is effective and successful, when it discovers local human capital and gives them an opportunity to participate in various activities, so that "region" is known to the outside and a "regional" identity and pride is born. On the other hand we find problems of intervention particularly after the LEADER+ phase, due to excessive bureaucratic procedures in examining and selecting LAG, and also in executing each project. While LEADER is financially supported by the public sector, but at the same time implemented as a bottom-up system, these two aspects are contradictory. The regional manager contributes to canceling this contradiction. In the case of Japan, when considering the definition of the "region", economic disparity between local areas and megalopolis has been enlarged under the current neo-liberal administrative and financial reforms. The activities of LEADER and LAG may offer hints for the reconstruction of local communities and appropriate sized region for living in Japan.
- 2008-04-30
- 農村女性起業の新しい展開 : 志しからビジネス・社会的企業へ
- EU農村地域振興の展開と「地域」 : ドイツのLEADERプログラムを中心に(大会報告・共通論題 : 地域再編過程における協同と公共性)
- コメント : 地方中小都市および周辺農村の視点から