215 ギヤ歯面高精度仕上げ加工法開発(OS-11 研削・砥粒加工)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, higher processing accuracy is demanded for the automobile parts from the rise of the requirements of environment protection and energy conservation for the cars. In this report, all the existing methods for the processing of the introduced gear cannot satisfy the desired accuracy and the desired cost demanded by the gear surface and the characteristic of the product any more. Therefore it is necessary to develop a new grinding technology that should have the same high accuracy as the gauges. Accordingly, we developed a highly accurate but cheap mass production grinding method for the processing of the gear surface. It utilizes the theory of pressure transcription and realized by a hold and rotate mechanism. All of the development objectives have been accomplished and the new processing technology is detailedly introduced in this report.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-11-24
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