On an equation over finite fields of characteristic 2 and differentially 4-uniform functions (有限群論と代数的組合せ論 RIMS研究集会報告集)
- On generalized quadratic APN functions (Algebraic Combinatorics and related groups and algebras)
- On an equation over finite fields of characteristic 2 and differentially 4-uniform functions (有限群論と代数的組合せ論 RIMS研究集会報告集)
- The behavior of the number of solutions of the difference equations coming from power functions over finite fields (代数的組合せ論)
- On Strongly Regular Graphs with Parameters (k,0,2) and Their Antipodal Double Covers (Algebraic Combinatorics)
- Planar functions of type (p ,p , ・・・ ,p) and the numbers of solutions of special polynomial equations over Z$_p$ for and odd prime p
- PSL(3,2) を自己同型群としてもつ位数8の射影平面について
- Quasi-fields (記念号)
- 自己同型群としてPSL(3,5)が作用する位数25の射影平面
- ガロア体の2次の拡大となる有限Semifield