- 論文の詳細を見る
A method by which the pressure in the innominate artery and the base of the right subclavia can be changed independently of the systemic circulation, is described in the experimentation with the rabbit and the dog. In proportion to the rise of pressure in the blind sack in these parts a fall of blood pressure and slowing of the heart will be observed. The afferent path of this reflexes runs through the right aortic nerve. Furthermore, there is another afferent pathway in the innominate artery of the dog, which enters the right vagus where the recurrent emerges. This method of stimulating aortic nerve is more physiological than the electrical stimulation and is not only important in the functional study of the aortic nerve, but also contributes to the study of the aortic body which is located between the right subclavia and the common carotid.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1951-01-20
- (107)大動脈起始部の血壓受性(一般講演(第2日),日本循環器學會第13回總會記事)
- (12)養榮失調症の循環系について(日本循環器病學會第十回總會)
- (3)鎖骨下動脈起始部及腕頭動脈の血壓感受帯(一般講演(其の一),日本循環器學會第十二回總會記事)
- 87) 循環呼吸系の調節に關する研究 : (1)胸大動脈の血壓感受性 (2)鎖骨下動脈角からの放散(第14回日本循環器學會總會)
- 39) 心室性期外収縮の逆行性傳導について(第13回日本循環器學會總會)
- 腕頭動脈及び右鎖骨下動脈起始部の血壓感受性について