協同組合における連帯と自主管理 : モンドラゴン協同組合の創造と革新 (熊谷次郎教授退任記念号)
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The article examines the co-operative values and management efficiency in the case of the Mondragon Co-operative Corporation(MCC). In the first section of the article, the history of the MCC is investigated, which is divided into three periods, 1956-70, 1971-90 and 1991-2006. In the second section of the article, which will appear in the following volume of the bulletin, the co-operative values, management efficiency and their relations would be analyzed. The First Period(1956-70)of the history of the Mondragon co-operatives is characterized by founding the basis of co-operatives and expanding business projects in various sectors of the Basque economy in Spain. In the Second Period(1971-90), the Mondragon Co-operative Group suffered from the oil shock effects and began to construct the protecting system against stagnation by inventing the institutional systems of solidarity. At the same time, the management top of the Group increased investments at foreign countries for attaining the superior competitive condition in international markets. In 1987, the First Co-operative Congress of the Mondragon Co-operative Group decided the famous Ten Principles as the value basis of the organization of the Group. They are: Open admission, Democratic Organization, Sovereignty of Labor, The Instrumental Character of Capital, Self-Management, Pay Solidarity, Group Cooperation, Social Transformation, Universal Nature and Education. In 1991, the beginning year of the Third Period(1991-2006), the Third Co-operative Congress was hold. The key decisions at the congress were:(a)The centralization of the organization and pursuit of a strategy for the sake of survival in the international market.(b)The reorganization of the co-operatives away from the regional groupings and toward to the sector groupings for increasing efficiency.(c)The renaming of the Mondragon Co-operative Group as the Mondragon Co-operative Corporation(MCC). In 2006, the performance of MCC is as follows. MCC Co-operatives107 Subsidiary companies126 MCC workforce83,601 MCC Total Assets27,550(million of euros)MCC Equity4,696(million of euros) Total Turnover(Industrial)6,880(million of euros) Total Turnover(Distribution)6,510(million of euros) MCC Overall Investment1,240(million of euros)
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