日本における共同体と生活保障制度の変化(3) (熊谷次郎教授退任記念号)
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This paper intends to clarify the transformation of social security systems in Japan, and social security systems in the rural areas in the TOKUGAWA era were discussed in this number. Though the rural community has been the base of security systems from ancient society, charasterics of the rural communities has been changed. Untill the end of the middle ages, the rural communities were controlled by leaders called "Myoshu". But they declined gradually around the end of the middle ages, and individual farmhouses became indipendent. These individual farmhouses connected together and made confedarations named "Ierengo", which were the new type of the rural communities. We can find the remarkable development in the field of agriculture, and some changes and development in the field of commerce and industry as the reason of this change. We can notice two types of the communities in those days, one was the confedaration of kinship and the other was the confedaration of interests such as utilation of water, gathering of wild plants, utilation of labour power in the busy seasons, and so on. Some social security systems are introduced in this number.
- 2008-03-10
- 日本における共同体と生活保障制度の変化(4)(坂 昌樹准教授追悼号)
- 生命保険会社の経営破綻(7)
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