ヒューマン・サービス従事者のためのアサーション・トレーニング : フォーカシングの導入をめぐって
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The purpose of this paper is to consider about the possibility of the introduction of Mini-Focusing for the Assertion Training. First, I discussed the negative impression relating to my experience of the assertion training for the human service workers, especially for the teachers. In short, they sometimes tended to misunderstand that assertion was very convenient tool of manipulating, defeating, and controlling the others. On the other hand, the misconception that assertion means the loss of the leadership, autonomy and confrontation, and so-called fake acceptance must be necessary for assertion has been sometimes noticed. I guess "Teacher Role" & "School Culture" has some relation to these typical misunderstanding. I thought the present assertion training for the human service workers has been generally practiced in a short time (at longest, 2 hours), this fact was liable to cause misunderstanding. Therefore, I began to think that the emphasis of connecting to the inner feeling and exploration of the vague feeling is crucial for the assertion training, and the introductive experience of getting the clue is very useful for the human service workers. Secondly, I presented the problem of Burn-Out Syndrome of the human service workers, mainly teachers, through my experience of counseling with burn-out clients. The necessary assertion for the purpose of prevention of Burn-out is suggested here, that is, (1) expression of the inner negative feeling with the colleagues, and making social-support, (2) dividing between what can be capable and what can not be capable, fixing the boundaries clearly. My contention is that human service workers need to get to listen to their inner voice, and to make contact with their bodies sensitively, without being frightened. Thirdly, the discussion was focused on the introduction of FOCUSING for the assertion training. Focusing is a way of gaining access to the body's experience of meaning, and the process of focusing involves first attending to an "holistic, implicit bodily sense (Gendlin, 1981)" which conveys how the body carries a particular concern or problem. I introduced here the "Mini-Focusing on Health Care" (Joan Klangsbrun 2001), and, in the last, one program of assertion training incorporated mini-focusing guide was presented.
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