きょうだい関係と意識 : 性差観の検討
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This is the third report of a multiple study on sibling relations and consciousness (opinions, attitudes). 2085 students of a women's junior college (928 in 1993 and 1157 in 1994) answered a questionnaire on the theme. The results of their views on childhood have already reported and this report shows the results on the following 8 items on sex differences: (1) what they think about being a female; (2) which sex they would like to be if they were to be born again; (3) why they would rather like to be born as a male; (4) why they would like to be born as a female again; (5) whether they think there is any sex difference in abilities; (6) whether they have experienced sex discrimination at home etc.; (7) whether they want to live with their parents after marriage; (8) their ideal life style if they choose to live with their parents. Sibling relations were analysed according to four categories; birth situation, the number of siblings, birth order and sex of siblings. There seems to be very few differences in views on sex difference with respect to sibling relations, although there are significant difference on some items. Because, these results have problems of consistency. The previous reports as well as this one show little relationship between sibling relations and consciousness, which correspond with a series of studies on sibling relations and personal characteristics. This study does not deny all the relationships between sibling relations and consciousness (views on sex difference) of late adolescence. Few studies on sibling relations have been reported with adolescents or adults. Additional data and detailed analysis will be needed before making generalizations and judgement.
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