Isometric Immersions of Conformally Flat Riemannian Spaces with Negative Sectional Curvature
- Hypersurfaces Immersed in a Conformally Flat Riemannian Manifold : Dedicated to Professor S. Tachibana on his 50th Birthday
- A Note on Normal Homogeneous Riemannian Spaces
- A Symmetry of Order 4 on Sasakian Spaces
- On Conformally Flat Spaces with Warped Product Riemannian Metric
- Isometric Immersions of Conformally Flat Riemannian Spaces with Negative Sectional Curvature
- On Special Almost Kahlerian Spaces : Dedicated to Professor S. Sasaki on his 60th birthday
- Orthogonal Decomposition of Curvature Type Tensors
- A Condition for a Compact Kaehlerian Space to be Locally Symmetric
- On the Differential Operator of Curvature Type Tensors : Dedicated to Professor Shun-ichi Tachibana on his 60th birthday