Representation-free Conservation Laws
Iwata Giiti
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Wakamura Yasuyo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Department of Physcis, Tokyo University
- An Electron Model of Axially Symmetric Isochronous Cyclotron
- On the Momentum Compaction in a Cyclic Accelerator
- Combination of Electric and Magnetic Focusings in Cyclic Accelerators
- Voltage Programming of Radio Frequency Accelerations in an Alternating Gradient Proton Synchrotron
- The Effect of Field Bump in A Strong Focusing Synchrotron
- Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electromagnetic Field
- A Study of Perfect Focusing Mass Spectrometer
- A Generalization of Lagrange's Theorem on the Expansion of Inverse Functions
- A Possible Fusion Reactor
- An Improved Spherical Approximation of an Ising Spin System
- An Improvement in the Spherical Approximation of an Ising Spin System
- The Image Formation Derived from the Propagation of Wave
- Representation-free Conservation Laws
- A Remark on the Kerr Metric
- On the Approximation of the Classical Deflection Function(速報)
- Transformation Eunctions in the Complex Domain
- Orbits of an Electron in Static Electromagnetic Fields, I
- Simple Cubic Lattice Green Functions
- Separable Dynamical Systems of Staeckel in Flat Space
- Some Initial Value Problems in Wave Propagation
- A Generalization of the Euler-Maclaurin Sum Formula
- A Method of Quantization and Its Application to the Theory of Action at a Distance