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Iris Nertchinskia Loddiges is spontaneous throughout Japan proper, and a few varieties are known to science, i.e. var. albiflora, var. stellata, and var. pumila. A form known to the Japanese as Kamayama-shobu was distinguished as a separate species by Dr. Tomitaro Makino and named I. Kamayama. But many botanists have since supposed it to be most intimately related to I. Nertchinskia. In this report, the authors discussed the systematic status of I. Kamayama as well as the varieties of I. Nertchinskia, and proposed another new variety, pallidiflora. It is a remarkable fact that I. ensata Thunberg which is also widely spontaneous in Japan shows an extremely rich variation in shape and color of the flower in horticulture, while I. Nertchinskia displays only a little variation. Var. albiflora is rarely found wild, and is not only different in the color of its flower from the type, but also different in the shape of the outer segments which are strongly concave in the upper surface and crisped on their margins. The new variety pallidiflora was discovered by the authors at a village garden in Hakonegasaki, Prov. Musashi, and distinguished by the pale mauve color of the flower and slightly concave and somewhat crisped outer segments. From these characters var. pallidiflora is supposed by the authors to be the intermediate form between the typical one and the variety albiflora. Var. stellata is but a monstrous form having the inner segments as large as the outer ones, which are patently expanded as in some horticultural varieties of I. ensata. This variety is only known by a herbarium specimen collected by Mr. F. Kasai at a town of Kawai-mura, Prov. Awa, Shikoku. The variety pumila is a dwarf form with typical flower, but it cannot be sharply distinguished from the type, because of the existence of intergrading forms between them. As to I. Kamayama which is only known in cultivation, the authors cannot separate it from I. Nertchinskia as a distinct species, and they consider it as a variety of the latter. Long exerting scape, large deep violet-colored flower, twisting grayish foliage firm in texture, and longer prominently reticulated capsule with obtuse angles and narrowly cuneate base are the characteristics of this one. But in some of these points the intermediate garden forms exist between this and the typical I. Nertchinskia, among which I. Kamayama merely represents an extreme form. I. Kamayama was cultivated for so long a period, and propagated vegetatively in such an abundance as a textile plant in several regions in Kanto district, as to lead some botanists to consider it as a distinct species.
- ヒメジョオンの群の多型性について(第2報) : 生活史におけるロゼットの地位
- アヤメの諸変種,特にカマヤマショウブに就て
- Phytogeographical Consideration on the Genus Elaeocarpus of the Volcano and Bonin Islands