SOME COMPLETE-TYPE MAPS (General and geometric topology today and their problems)
- A characterization of M-maps (一般位相幾何学及び幾何学的トポロジーに関する研究--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 対ベースと対ネットワークによって特徴付けられる空間
- 局所凸位相をもつ線形位相空間と単体的複体
- ある局所凸線形位相空間の位相的性質
- 単体的複体の局所凸位相
- SOME COMPLETE-TYPE MAPS (General and geometric topology today and their problems)
- CECH-COMPLETENESS IN FIBREWISE TOPOLOGY(General Topology, Geometric Topology and Their Applications)
- 距離空間の可算和である層型空間の絶対近傍レトラクト
- The Category MAP
- Trivially and locally trivially C maps
- Partial Topological Products in MAP
- FIBREWISE COMPACTNESS AND UNIFORMITIES (Research trends on general and geometric topology and their problems)
- On fibrewise covering uniformities (一般位相幾何学及び幾何学的トポロジーとその応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- FIBREWISE HOMOTOPY IN THE FIBREWISE CATEGORY MAP (General and Geometric Topology and Related Topics)
- On ANR(stratifiable)-spaces(General Topology,Dimension and Set Theory)
- Fibrewise ANR of fiberwise mapping-spaces