ロールシャッハ図版に対するアレキシサイミアの感情体験 : SD評定を用いた検討
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The first purpose of this study was to clarify the stimulus value of Rorschach Cards using the SD method, and the second purpose was to examine differences in the emotional experience of alexithymic people by using 10 Rorschach Cards that had few cognitive stimuli related to affect that easily reflect individual imaging ability. Participants were 123 university students who evaluated each of 10 Rorschach cards using 25 adjective pairs selected for determining the stimulus value. They also responded to the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Results of factor analysis with Varimax rotation on the 25 adjective pairs resulted in 19 pairs and three factors were extracted: "Emotional-Experience factor", "Cognitive-Evaluation factor", and "Activity factor". The first 5 cards (I〜V) were considered as Negative-Cards and the latter 5 cards (VI〜X ) were considered as Positive-Cards, on the basis of the Emotional-Experience factor scores. The mean total value of the emotional experience factor items was calculated. An analysis of variance was conducted on the total score for two factors with the between participants factor being high and low Alexithymia groups and within participants factor being Negative and Positive-Cards. Results indicated a significant interaction. Moreover, the High-Alexithymia group had stronger positive emotional experiences compared to the Low-Alexithymia group with regard to the Positive-Cards. The above results suggest that people with an alexithymic tendency are apt to have more positive emotional experience when using Rorschach Cards that have no cognitive element. Moreover, it is suggested that in psychological interventions with alexithymic people using images, emphasis on the conscious and sensory image level would be effective.
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