- 論文の詳細を見る
The Japji Sahib was composed by Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion. It forms the first part of the Guru Granth Sahib--the holy scripture of the Sikhs. It represents the essence of the Sikh thoughts. Like many other religous texts from India, the Japji Sahib is composed in verse. Its other two notable features are conciseness and high contexuality. These features set the stage for multiple ambiguity and multiplicity of interpretation which in turn make the task of translating it into any language including Japanese a challenging one indeed. In this note some of the examples of variations in interpretaion in various languages are shown only from the Mulmantra and the first stanza of the scripture. Those languages are three European languages-i.e. English in which probably more than a dozen translations were published, French and Italian-and three Indian languages-i.e. Hindi, Bengali & Punjabi. This is just the beginning of the work and scope may be left for further studies through comparison among those languages.
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