2 めまい患者における東洋医学的診断・治療(第613回新潟医学会,外科系領域における漢方治療の現況)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese traditional medicine was applied to clarify the pathogenesis of vertiginous patients. It is suggested that psychogenic factor plays an important role in the occurrence of vertigo, multiple factors may contribute to the occurrence of vertigo, and vascular disorder is may be related to the occurrence of vertigo unknown origin using Ki-Ketsu-Sui. It is also speculated that Japanese traditional medical diagnosis will help us to understand the pathology of the chronic stage in vertigo by the examination of the relationship between Japanese traditional medical diagnosis and the examination of the equilibrium. Moreover, we assumed that in some vertiginous patients, the sympathetic nervous function at rest can be predicted by Japanese traditional medical diagnosis of state, such as Yin and Yo.
- 新潟大学の論文
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- 2 めまい患者における東洋医学的診断・治療(第613回新潟医学会,外科系領域における漢方治療の現況)
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