- 論文の詳細を見る
Functional mobility and comfort of high-heeled mule sandals were investigated, as compared with sport shoes. The effects of instep bands on mule sandals were also tested. Eleven female university students participated in the test of walking and ascending and descending of stairs to measure the time and evaluate comfort. When wearing mule sandals, the overall walking velocity decreased in comparison with sport shoes. The mule sandals with instep bands achieved higher evaluation for functional mobility and safety being more resistant to coming off. Further investigation for motion analysis and sole pressure distribution were made on the subjects with average characteristics of walking. From the motion analysis of one step, it was revealed that the toe lifting was lower, the overall movement of the foot was smaller, and the sole pressure distribution did not make a smooth shift of weight from the heel to the toe when wearing mule sandals. It was also revealed that the use of instep bands made little difference in the movement of the feet while walking.
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