- 論文の詳細を見る
This article deals with the problems of Jiu-lian bao-juan, a scripture of Jin-dan sect (Jin-dan-dao). This bao-juan is a important scripture to study folk religions of Ming period. But about this scripture, there are some problems that must be elucidated, such as, religious sect of this scripture, the year that it was written, the history of Patriarch Wu-wei (Wu-wei zu-shi) who is a main character in this scripture, and so on. Over these problems, disputes has been repeated among researchers. This article tries to elucidate these problems to make clear the process of formation of folk religious sects of North China in Ming period. The conclusion is as follows: Patriarch Wu-wei lived in Luan zhou in Bei-zhili (He-bei province), and founded Jin-dan sect, and died at 1630. Jiu-lian bao-juan was written and published by Patriarch Wu-wei and his believers in last years of Ming period. Jin-dan sect was successor of several folk religious sects of middle of Ming period in North China. These sects are Wu-ming sect, Jing-kong sect, Luo sect and Zhen-kong sect. Therefore this Jiu-lian bao-juan succeeded doctrines of these religious sects. On the other hand, Wu-wei zu-shi was also called Patriarch Tian-zhen (Tian-zhen-zu) by believers of Da-cheng yuan-dun sect. He was not only the founder of Jin-dan sect, but also one of the patriarchs of Da-cheng yuan-dun sect. The teachings of Da-cheng yuan-dun sect is mainly based on that of Jin-dan sect. Dragon flower sutra, a scripture of Da-cheng yuan-dun sect, was based on Jiu-lian bao-juan. Da-cheng yuan-dun sect was successor of East Da-cheng sect and Jin-dan sect. These facts clarify the formation process of folk religious sects in North China of Ming period.
- 『九蓮宝巻』の成立について
- 紀要委員会報告
- 明代西大乗教の教義形成
- 黄天道とその宝巻
- 講演会要旨 明朝の支配体制と民間宗教
- 明代中期華北における民間宗教の形成
- 明代順天保明寺再考--呂〔ジュウ〕の死をめぐって
- 明末清初の大乗円頓教
- 中国近世の民間宗教における終末観と社会運動
- 羅教の支派 : 霊山正派
- 「第4届明史国際学術討論会」参加報告(海外東方学界消息-83-)
- コメント (歴史における宗教と民衆)
- 「続中国民衆反乱の世界」青年中国研究者会議編
- 東アジア : 中国 : 明・清(一九八一年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
- 川勝 守著『中国封建国家の支配構造-明清賦役制度史の研究-』
- 早稲田大学文学部東洋史研究室編集「中国前近代史研究」
- 明末徐鴻儒の乱の史料について
- 道光青蓮教案について
- 明末における奢安の乱と白蓮教