地域における外国籍配偶者の言語と生活世界 : 中国人配偶者のケース
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This paper is about linguistic, living and cultural friction of China-born spouses living in Miyagi Prefecture based on information acquired via a dozen of them. Previous questionnaire has revealed that China-born spouses have problems on Japanese language, their children's education, difference in customs, occupation and so on. This paper cites concrete examples on the respective problems. As for the language ability, for instance, they have difficulty of understanding what a Japanese wants and who wants it in Japanese context. Regarding the child education, their Japan-born children hardly can speak Chinese and have Chinese language skill only to understand the mother's daily instructions. About the occupation, there is a difference between what they expect and Japan's social system which confines spouses to home and prevents them from being independent. They also have difficulty of understanding Japanese concept of values which attaches importance to modesty, sense of responsibility, rules and formalities, that causes friction in various aspects. As mentioned above, this paper has revealed the actual conditions in which Chinese spouses have a hard time for achieving self-actualization due to linguistic and cultural constraint.
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