大学体育への学生の意識・態度に関する一考察 : 本学学生の調査から
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the students' awareness and attitude of physical education course at the Niigata Institute of Technology. In order to carry out this study, a questionnaire was administered to 194 first-year students. The main results were as follows : 1. Many students did not know that there was the physical education course at a university. It is necessary for students to learn high expertise and the physical education course in a university. 2. Students recognize physical education to be a high class of necessity. 3. Students realize that physical education course functions on the physical and the mental. 4. Students are satisfied with contents of the physical education course. 5. Teachers must perform the physical education course to lead to lifelong sports of students.
- 新潟工科大学の論文
- 2006-12-25
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