アジアに於ける障害者の現状と課題 : -その多様な定義と原因、有効な国際支援協力の為にー
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The United Nations has developed various plans that aim to protect the rights and securityof persons with disabilities thoughout the world. Because of the United Nations' leadership,each developed country has contributed support to the field of rehabilitation in developingcountries in Asia. However, the problems persons with disabilities face haven't changed much in thosecountries. They regularly endure prejudice, ignorance and poverty, overshadowing the problemsinherent in their restricted abilities. These basic needs-food, shelter, and their relationshipwith society-are their primary concern. There are differences in the definition of what constitutes the phrase "persons withdisabilities" and what assistance is needed in each country. The purpose of this paper is to examine the situation of persons with disabilities in Asiain order to make assistance more effective.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2006-12-15
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