自己決定の尊重と本人保護の調和 : -日本とドイツの成年後見制度-
- 論文の詳細を見る
The principle of the Adult Guaudianship in Japan is a harmony between respect for self-determination and personal protection, but what dose the harmony mean? In Germany, "Betreuungsgesetz" was enforced in 1992, and the system of care was established. The system consists of "Erforderlichkeitsgrundsatz" (the principle of necessity) and "Subsidiaritatsprinzip" (the subsidiary principle). Even though care is needed, if other measures exist, for instance an appointment of a voluntary attorney by a care-recipient, the care by the law is exempted. The legal idea of this system is common to "the rights in relationship" which Martha Minow, Professor of law st Harvard University, insists. However, there are some different legal ideas on handicapped individuals. According to Minow, they are the abnormal-persons approach, the rights-analysis approach, and the social-relations approach. Adopting these approaches, I'll give careful consideration to the harmony, and propose what the Adult Guardianship in Japan should be.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2002-12-15
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