- 論文の詳細を見る
A variety of reports show that Japanese high school students dislike science as school subject. We also notice as college faculty that applicants to scientific department are decreasing year by year and the average understanding of freshman in science was also reduced. Therefore, we started several hands-on-seminar for high school students using our facility to inflate their curiosity toward natural science. "A day in a Lab" is an activity spending almost a week in laboratories to experience a day in a scientific atmosphere. In this activity, while learning several experiments, high school students can communicate with college students as a role model. "Experience in Science" is an activity in which they can survey a frontier of modern science including ecology and life science. We also joined "Science Partnership Project" by Ministry of Education and Science and were running a series of life science experiments. This project was designed to facilitate sustainable relationship between high school and college so as to help high school students be sufficiently trained in science. Through these trials, high school students, even in literature course, became familiar with natural sciences. Some of them changed their direction and entered into scientific departments. Therefore, scientific activity in college for high school students can prevent them from departure from natural science.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2007-03-15
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