- 論文の詳細を見る
In his Ethica Petrus Abaelardus (Peter Abelard) mainly discusses what sin is and is not. Sin is an important Christian concept but is scarecely argued by ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle. But Abelard also mentions his ethical treatise as Scito te ipsum. This title naturally reminds us of a pagan philosopher, Socrates, who argues about the evil (for example, ignorance), but not about sin. Therefore, the title Scito te ipsum sounds unsuitbale for its contents. Why does Abelard call his Ethica Scito te ipsum? To answer this question, I examine Abelard's concept of consent. He insists that neither desire nor action is sin, but only consent to what is not fitting is sin. He then argues that when the Law commands "do not do this" it means "do not consent to do this", that is, "do no to do this knowingly." Thus Abelard internalizes sin. Whether a person have consented to what is not fitting or not is invisible to other people ; only God and the person herself can know that. The internalization of sin explains why Abelard calls his ethical treatise Scito te ipsum. One must keep watch over one's mind lest one should consent to what is not fitting. To be a watch over oneself is to "Know thyself".
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2007-03-15
- ペトルス・アベラルドゥス『倫理学』における「同意」
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- 哲学者たちの洞窟への帰還に関する一つの覚書き
- 上智大学中世思想研究所編訳/監修, 中世思想原典集成15女性の神秘家, 平凡社, 2002年4月, 1,061頁, 本体10,000円+税
- プラトンの体育論序説 : Respublica III, 403c9-412bl(こころとからだの)
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- プラトン『国家』ニオケル「女性ノ劇」ノ射程
- G. R. F. Ferrari, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Plato's Republic., Pp.xxvi+533, Cambridge/New York, Cambridge UP, 2007.