「抜け道」利用の発生メカニズムと生活環境の改善に関する研究 : 豊田市におけるケーススタディ
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Many drivers use "rat-run" for avoiding traffic congestion in urban area, and it causes the deterioration of living environment of roadside inhabitant. The purpose of this study is to examine the mechanism of "rat-run" utilization for the reduction countermeasures of "rat-run" as a case study in Toyota city. Traffic flow investigation in "rat-run" and a question-naire for the drivers were carried out. As the result, the following findings were obtained : Each traffic characteristic of "rat-run" should be considered for the improvement of "rat-run" and it is effective to reduce the consciousness of time shortening of the drivers.
- 大同工業大学の論文
- 「抜け道」利用の発生メカニズムと生活環境の改善に関する研究 : 豊田市におけるケーススタディ
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