Degeneracy of the quarks, shell structure in the chiral soliton(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)
21pEH-10 Non-isospectral線形問題といくつかの高次元非線形可積分階層について(21pEH 古典・量子可積分系(離散系(超離散系・セルオートマトンなど)を含む),領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
22aVD-1 Non-isospectral問題による高次元可積分系の導出について(22aVD 古典・量子可積分系(数値計算アルゴリズムを含む),領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
24pWD-8 Non-isospectral問題と高次元可積分系(古典・量子可積分系(数値計算アルゴリズムを含む),領域11,統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理)
21aBF-4 Solitons in the extended Skyrme-Faddeev model
Numerical study of multi-caloron solutions
11aSC-10 Numerical study of multi-caloron solutions
22aYB-7 ベイピースキルミオンによる重力のコンパクト化(素粒子論領域)
23pZF-6 Localizing Gravity on Maxwell Gauged CP^1 Model in Six Dimensions
Toroidal soliton and a fermion in the Faddeev-Niemi model(Quantum Field Theories : Fundamental Problems and Applications)
Casimir energy of a B=2 Skyrmion(Quantum Field Theories : Fundamental Problems and Applications)
Nuclear matter in the chiral quark soliton model(Quantum Field Theories : Fundamental Problems and Applications)
24pWH-15 Casimir Energy of a B=2 Skyrmion(ハドロン物質・クォーク物質,ハドロン構造・反応,理論核物理)
Degeneracy of the quarks, shell structure in the chiral soliton(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)
28pZN-12 Degeneracy of the quarks, shell structure in the chiral multi-soliton(素粒子論)
28pZN-11 Casimir Energy of B=2 Skyrmions(素粒子論)
N. Manton and P. Sutcliffe, Topological Solitons, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2004, viii+493p, 24.7×17.4cm, £75.00, [大学院向・専門書]
28pGA-3 Structure of multi-caloron solutions
18aSB-7 Numerical Nahm transform for 2-caloron solutions
Collective Quantization of a Gravitating Skyrmion(Quantum Field Theories : Fundamental Problems and Applications)
24pGE-11 Numerical study of 2-calorons with non-trivial holonomy
26pKB-12 Particles on an inflating baby-skyrmion brane
21aAA-9 ソリトン共鳴再考(21aAA 古典・量子可積分系・離散系,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
11pSF-5 Thermal Skyrmion configurations in Yang-Mills theory