Progress in 2-loop Renormalization of (2+ε)-Dimensional Quantum Gravity〔邦文〕 (場の理論の共通課題)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 1995-04-20
- 30aWP-8 The index theorem in gauge theory on a discretized 2d noncommutative torus
- 28aZF-5 Dynamical generation of gauge group in matrix models(素粒子論)
- Conformal Invariance and Renormalization Group in Quantum Gravity near Two Dimensions〔邦文〕 (弦理論と量子重力の課題)
- 10aSH-5 4次元N=4 super Yang-Mills理論におけるウィルソン・ループのモンテカルロ計算(格子・行列模型,素粒子論領域)
- 27aYD-6 BFSS matrix theory におけるlarge N reduction(素粒子論)
- Progress in 2-loop Renormalization of (2+ε)-Dimensional Quantum Gravity〔邦文〕 (場の理論の共通課題)
- 28a-SG-10 Quantum Gravity is Renormalizable near Two Dimensions
- 5a-H-5 Scaling Exponents in Quantum Gravity near Two Dimensions
- 27p-K-6 Puncture Operator in c=1 Lioville Gravity
- On P, T Breaking Properties of Anyons