Stoponium Production at Hadron Colliders (B,D,K中間子物理とクォ-ク混合,CPの破れ(研究会報告))
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Within the scenario in which one of the scalar partners of the top quark is lighter than the top quark itself, we calculate the cross sections of stoponium η^^〜_t(0^<++>) production in multi-TeV pp collisions.
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 1993-10-20
森井 俊行
森井 俊行
森井 俊行
Inazawa H.
Department of English and America Literature, Shoin Women's University
Inazawa H.
Department Of English And America Literature Shoin Women's University
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- Stoponium Production at Hadron Colliders (B,D,K中間子物理とクォ-ク混合,CPの破れ(研究会報告))
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