Strange Quark, Heavy Quark and Gluon Contents of Light Hadrons
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The sea-quark content of baryons (such as s^^-s, c^^-s, b^^-b・・・) is calculated by a combined use of the QCD trace anomary and a chiral quark model. The result is applied to the examination of the explicit symmetry breaking in baryons (such as the π-N and K-N sigma terms), the intrinsic heavy quqrks in baryons, and the Higgs-baryon coupling constants. We find that (i) the large s^^-s content is unnecessary to reproduce the empirical value of the sigma term, (ii) the probability of finding charm in the nucleon os about 0.5%, which is relevant to the charm structure function of the nucleon at large x and also to the chram production in proton-nucleous collisions at large Feynman x_F, and (iii) both strange and heavy quarks are equally important for the Higgs-nucleon coupling. Small but non-negligible OZI-violation in baryons due to the axial anomaly plays a key role in all the above quantites. The sea-quark content of the pion and the kaon and the color-sextet quarkbcontent in nucleon are also discussed.
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 1991-05-20
国広 悌二
Hatsuda T.
Institute for Nuclear Theory
国広 悌二
Hatsuda T.
Institute For Nuclear Theory:univ. Of Washington
- 28p-YS-6 能勢-Hoover系でのフェルミ-パスタ-ウラム問題
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- Strange Quark, Heavy Quark and Gluon Contents of Light Hadrons