- 論文の詳細を見る
As a marker of overweight, the author used adiponectin. Adiponectin is a kind of cytokine which the fat cell secretes. It is considered that the normal fat cells secrete adiponectin to some extent, whereas the enlarged fat cells do not secrete adiponectin too much. The author count the amount of adiponectin of people in two groups (normal or slim people and overweight people) according to Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Method. It has been claimed when visceral fat increases, the amount of adiponectin decreases. Moreover, when we feel stress by smoking, high blood pressure, hyperglycemia etc, the amount of adiponectin decreases. By BDORT method, an amount of adiponectin for those people in the slim group was 400ng or more, whereas those for overweight people was 100ng or lower. By taking foods enhancing an ability of increasing an amount of adiponectin, it is possible to increase an amount of adiponectin belonging to overweight people from 100ng to 400ng (BDORT unit).
- 清泉女子大学の論文
- 2006-12-26
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