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This paper treats on some issues of the present-day globalization. The point of this contention is critique of problems which globalization is causing. International trade, financial transaction and population movement increase greatly, and they are going over the border of the various countries increasingly. The home markets of the various countries are combined with the global market, and the worldwide development of the multinational corporations and financial institutions are increasing rapidly. We can describe those process as the globalization. But globalization is causing some serious issues. The mega competition, the difference of income and asset and the increase of the poverty are intensified in global scale. In the advanced countries, wage cut, differential wage and unstable employment are increasing now. And there are high rates of unemployment in the youth and women. And especially the immigrant workers are confronted with severe situations. In the developing country, there are many child workers and many "sweatshops". Work environment and the slums in cities are becoming worse. Therefore the tendency of globalization will need improving. International organizations, government and multinational corporations will need changing their policies for settlement of serious issues which globalization is causing now.
- 千葉商科大学の論文
- 2007-03-31
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