女子高校生にとっての短期高等教育と将来展望 : 専門学校進学者と短大進学者の比較から
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Today Japanese female high school students have two choices about the short-term higher educations. One is senmon-gakko, and the other is junior college. These choices have become more similar not only in the educational years but also in the educational system, because of the 1999's policy, which gives the senmon-gakushi's degrees to the senmon-gakko graduates. But what are the criteria that the female students choose the particular institution from the similar two? What is the character of the each applicant? The aim of this paper is to examine the factors which decide the female students to choose the particular institution from the similar two. In other words, we explore whether there are some differences in their life-courses'prospects between the senmon-gakko applicants and the junior college ones. The result suggests that the female students who are more sensitive to the jobs or the qualifications tend to apply to the senmon-gakko, and those who think their educational backgrounds important or those who belong to the upper-rank high school apply to the junior college. Additionally, the senmon-gakko applicants are inclined to want to work longer than the junior college ones. However, there is no difference between both applicants in the desirable age of the marriage and childbirth. That is to say, when the female students choose the short-term higher educational institution, they make the choice based on the strength of their job-orientations, but it seems that both female students are not free from a kind of the norms of the desirable age at which the female experience some life events.
- 2006-03-10
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