直接体験と電子メディア体験の違い : <ゆらぎ>を感じる体験に注目して
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In this paper, difference between direct-experience and indirect-experience (by electronic media) is discussed from a point of feeling a fluctuation. In the real world, there are various fluctuations like a wind. And also children's body has some fluctuations. Therefore children's body can be synchronized with a fluctuation in the world. As a result, a pleasantness is produced children. And chidren's body is formed of a rythm of fluctuation. On the other hand, in the electronic world there isn't a fluctuation. So children's body has a opportunity to synchronize a fluctuation in the world. Naturally pleasantness isn't produced children. So through the electronic experiences affirmative feeling of the world won't be formed children. Moreover a fluctuation won't be settled children's body. Now appeared the difference between two experiences, we will have a hypothesis in development of children in the information age. If indirect-experience will be more than direct-experience at ratio, particularly in the early age, for children it will be difficult to have a affirmative feeling of the world and body as a system to feel a fluctuation.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2006-03-10
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