- 論文の詳細を見る
Male adults of Eysarcoris lewisi (Distant) reared with a long photoperiod (16L-8D) attracted conspecific adults and nymphs. Males reared with a short photoperiod (8L-16D) showed no attraction. Seasonal fluctuations of adults and nymphs attracted to males reared with a long photoperiod were investigated using water-pan traps on grasslands in Yamagata Prefecture in 2001-2003. The peak attraction of adults from late May to early June may correspond to the emergence of hibernating adults. Another peak of attracted adults from late June to early August was probably the first generation of adults; therefore, it is likely that a trap baited with males reared with a long photoperiod is useful to identifiy the seasonal prevalence of the occurrence of bugs on grasslands.
- 2007-08-25
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