街路の景観設計プロセスに関する研究 : その1 : 熊谷市市役所通線の改修景観設計における配慮事項(都市計画)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Important considerations on landscape redesign of streets are as follows : Landscape image of the street in urban planning and continuity of the planner-designner such as a committee including citizens. Steps of design decision and informed consent of design. The relation of the landscape of streets and that of surrounding. Partnership and cooperation of the persons concerned from planning to maintenance, especially the existence of the coordinater and the decision of the supervisor. Refinement of the design methods of urban design and architecture, civil engineering, landscape gardening, etc. Making guidelines for refinement of the design methods and order system in cooperation with relevant academic societies.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2003-12-20
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