複雑系科学に基づく環境共生型持続社会システムの探究 : 室内温熱環境調整行動が広域環境システムに及ぼす影響のシミュレーション(第4部 学術論文,地球環境建築のフロンティア)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors assume that it is necessary to find a set of solutions to the crucial issues concerning the relation between the global environment and the sustainable human society. On the basis of the assumption, the authors have been developing a human-environment-society system model to simulate the characteristic phenomena related to the issue. This paper explains the framework of the model focusing on a social dilemma in indoor climate control, where actions performed with expectation to make individual's indoor thermal environment comfortable bring about undesired environment against the expectation. Some results of the case study simulations to find some crews to deal with the social dilemma are also shown.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2003-02-20
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