国際関係史から見た万国博覧会 : 一九〇四年セントルイス万国博覧会を中心に
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Ever since the first Expo held in London, England, 1851, Expo has provided a strong reflection of the international relationships of its time. Usually, it is the culture presented at Expo that is regarded, but this paper will look further and consider the history of international relationships that Expo demonstrates, focusing on the Expo of 1904 held in St. Louis of the United States of America, which occurred during the time of the Russo-Japanese War. Using information gathered from the St. Louis public library, Japanese diplomatic data, and other various resources, this paper will analyze aspects of the United States of America, the country in which the Expo of 1904 was held; Japan, who joined the Expo in an effort to gain favorable public opinion from the American people! China, who, for the first time, formally sent an Imperial family member as a delegate! and Russia, whose government decided to not participate. This paper will consider the diplomatic strategies of these four countries, clarifying the influence that Expo has had on international relationships. A Japanese diplomat and a public relations representative for the Imperial family who visited the Expo in St. Louis announced that Japan was following Western countries by adapting to and introducing systems of modernization, which clearly showed that Japan had different policies compared with China, Asia's great nation. America overwhelmed the other countries with a display of great technical skill and power, and with its "Philippine Village" exhibit appealed to justify America's policy of colonization. On the other hand, a display that arrived late and conflicts experienced between the members of the exhibition company attested to Russia's domestic, political, and economic confusion and disorder to the world.
- 2007-05-15
論文 | ランダム
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