記録の推移からみた大学女子駅伝競技の事例的研究 -全日本大学女子駅伝対校選手権大会出場へ向けて-
- 論文の詳細を見る
Participation in the“Japan Inter-University Women’s EKIDEN Championship”is theultimate target of the BSSC women’s ekiden team. Therefore, the team aimed at improvingrunning performance(increase of the amount of training, and intensity), and effort in theKansai elimination competition towards goal achievement this year also.However, in the Kansai elimination competition, the result could not be demonstrated wellenough and the competitors were unable to participate in the nationwide competition.Based on these results, this research focused on the low-middle ranking(the 4-10th place)teams and our team. The data of three race’s between 2004-2006 was analyzed from theviewpoints of time(team and leg)and tactical consideration was included.The obtained results are summarized below.1.Improvement with a team overall in connection with the rapid improvement inperformance of low ranking teams below the middle ranking team was outstanding.2.In the low-middle ranking team, there is the tendency for the performance of each teamand runner to compete on a high level.3.In the ekiden race, it was reconfirmed in the first half that the result of the 1st leg isespecially important.4.Further observations in respect of tactics(about arrangement of a runner)wassuggested.5.The importance of scouting of promising newcomer’s was occuring.
- 2007-03-15
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