Lecanorchis amethystea (Orchidaceae), A New Species from Kochi Prefecture, Japan
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Lecanorchis amethystea Sawa, H. Fukunaga & S. Sawa (Orchidaceae) is described from Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Lecanorchis amethystea is similar to L. nigricans Honda, but detailed morphological comparison supports its status as a new species. It is easily distinguished by the following combination of characters: 1) longer stem; 2) longer inflorescence and infructescence, because of longer internodes; 3) yellowish white, narrower sepals and petals; 4) 5-nerved and slightly 3-lobed labellum; 5) bright brown, ascending capsule; 6) column more than half fused with labellum; and 7) column basally pubescent.
- 日本植物分類学会の論文
- 2006-08-30
澤 完
澤 完
Sawa Shinichiro
University Of Tokyo Graduate School Of Science Department Of Biological Sciences
Sawa Orchid Laboratory
Sawa Yutaka
Sawa Hospital
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