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This study investigated the shy individuals' development of close relationships at both cognitive and behavioral levels, and examined the effect of shyness on loneliness within a new environment. One hundred and twenty-four freshmen (Study 1) and two hundred and seven freshmen (Study 2) completed questionnaire regarding their relationship with a new same-sex best friend at their university. Participants were also administered the Trait Shyness Scale (Aikawa, 1991) and the revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell, Peplau, & Cutrana, 1980). The main results were as follows: 1) The relationship between the shy individual and his/her new best friend was less intimate at both cognitive and behavioral levels than that of not-shy individuals. 2) The effect of shyness on loneliness was partly mediated by their relationship with the new best friend. In other words, (a) shy individuals were not able to engage in a great number of behaviors with their new friend, and (b) they tended to evaluate their relationship more negatively. These two processes caused shy individuals to feel their friendship less intimate, which leads to loneliness.
- 1998-09-30
- PB37 学級集団内の交友関係が学級満足感に及ぼす影響(1) : 学級構造の認知と集団内地位との関連
- PB35 大学生の適応過程に関する研究(4) : 社会的スキルとライフイベント生起の関連
- 発達 J-4 中学新入生の適応過程に関する縦断的研究(1) : 学級集団における交友活動との関連
- 学校組織の社会心理学的研究(II) : スクール・リーダーが学校組織行動のプロセスに与える影響
- 友人関係の親密化に及ぼすシャイネスの影響と孤独感
- 管理職・主任層のリ-ダ-シップが学校組織行動プロセスに及ぼす影響