- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of the present study was the examination of a factor in striving process of subjective activity to motor action. The factor was shifting subjective activity as awareness to imaging a sense of distance and/or focusing kinetics sense for improvement of performance.The task of experiment were attempted to recall position of 18 cm distance and maintain it. Subjects were thirty university students with their eyes closed. They were assigned to each 2 groups, condition 1 group (15 subjects) were imaging a sense of focusing kinetics sense and imaging bodily movement to memory, condition 2 group (15 subjects) were imaging a sense of distance and position to it. The results of this experiment were as follows; (1) Condition 1 and 2 group in training period significantly memorized recalling position. (2) Condition 1 group only in retention period significantly retained recalling position. Based on the results, it was concluded that awareness of focusing kinetics sense was an effective factor in motor leaning. It was suggested that its factor play an important role in collating cues of being brought about bodily movement with result of knowledge in motor action.
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