- 論文の詳細を見る
In the early stage of the Meiji period, the industrial development strategy of the Yamaguchi Prefectural Office followed the policy laid down by the Department of the Interior. Therefore, there was an attempt to introduce new industries such as sericulture and stock raising. When this was not sucessful, however, the Prefectural Office changed its strategy and from 1877 began to focus on important traditional industries, such as agriculture, and salt and paper manufacturing. It systematized the various industries, and ordered them to introduce technical improvements and quality control. In the salt manufacuturing industry, saltfield owners organized an association which they called Bocho Enden Kaisha. This organization adjusted the quantity of salt production, and controlled the tenant salt producers. The salt manufacturing industry at that time was experiencing a severe depression. The business situation of the tenant producers was not good, and many were leaving the industry. The saltfield owners were also facing difficulties as their rental income decreased. This was why they needed to form a new organization.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2004-07-25
- 書評 木原溥幸著『佐賀藩と明治維新』
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