20世紀初頭ロシアにおける農民酪農組合 : モスクワ県ゼムストヴォの農業技術援助活動の決算
- 論文の詳細を見る
The Moscow prefecture Zemstvo supported the organization of peasants' dairy cooperatives in order to aid the development of dairy operations through grass sowing. However, the activities of the cooperatives in Moscow prefecture did not always develop as the Zemstvo had hoped. Although their activities continued to grow thanks to the active assistance of Zemstvo agronomists, most of the cooperatives were financially in the red. The main reasons behind this were the low cultural level of peasants, the high market price of hay, the fact that payments from dairy cooperatives were less than the milk production cost, the severe seasonal fluctuation in milk supplies, and the small scale of cooperatives. The Moscow prefecture Zemstvo agricultural technical assistance organization tried to recoup by entering the Moscow market. However, it was not possible to overcome the problem of the small scale of operations or the barriers protecting the city market. The Zemstvo agronomists came to doubt their overall significance. This failure was closely related to the rapid collapse of Zemstvos after the February Revolution of 1917. However, it should be noted that many of the agronomists who had experienced these difficulties played an important role in implementing the same policies after the 1917 Revolution.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2004-05-25
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- 20世紀初頭ロシアにおける農民酪農組合 : モスクワ県ゼムストヴォの農業技術援助活動の決算
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